Bogles Round House Cottages

Picture gallery of the cottages at the Roundhouse on Carriacou.

Please visit the updated listing in the Business directory.

Bogles Round House Cottages.
Bed and Breakfast in sparrow bay – Bogles on Carriacou.

+1473 443 7841
+1473 534 5722

The Round House is a piece of art and a Statement.
As a piece of art  please touch, enjoy it and feast your eyes.
As a statement it is simply saying  that buildings do not have to be planned down to the last nail.
They can be any  shape that takes your fancy, and that they can be built from whatever materials  come to hand.

Cabin rental on Carriacou, the roundhouse cottages.

The cottages at the roundhouse are close to the sea, sparrow bay is a lovely beach.

Three cottages for rent with optional maid service.