Map of Carriacou

Carriacou interactive map.

Bays and villages on Carriacou.

Detailed map with constructions, underwater rocks and more.

Static maps of the island.

[geo_mashup_tabbed_category_index disable_tab_auto_select=”true” taxonomy=”wpbdp_category”]
Select a category above to see all corresponding listings.
Choose a location to see its basic information, with a picture, in the centre of the map.
Clicking that picture will take you to a new page, with more info about the selected location.
[geo_mashup_map map_post_type=”page, upg, wpbdp_listing” height=1200″ enable_street_view=”false”  show_inactive_tab_markers=”true” zoom=”13″ load_kml=””]
[geo_mashup_term_legend titles=”true” format=”table”]

These are some of the maps which we used to illustrate this websites content.
Placement of archeological findings and migration maps of the past.