Leeward side of Sandy Island.
On this side of Sandy are several buoys where sailboats can attach for a few days.
This spot is at the leeward side of Sandy island and facing paradise beach.
You get here with a water taxi, probably from hard wood bar on paradise beach.
Many arrive here with a yacht.
In that case please remember that you can not drop your anchor here.
For purpose of mooring the islanders have provided a several buoys where you can attach your boat.
On shore - facilities on Paradise Beach.
As mentioned before, on Paradise beach is the very popular Hardwood Bar and Snacket.
Banana Jo Merit Museum and Bar is a great tiny bar on the beach, run by rastaman Jo Adams.
At Off de Hook you can get nice meals, right on the beach.
- Banana Jo bar on paradise beach.
Chilling on the island.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkqoK2ADmQQ]