Nurse shark at Frigate Island.

Shark Canyon dive site near Saline Island.

Diving at Shark Canyon south of Carriacou.

Nurse shark at Frigate Island.

Nurse shark.

  • Depth between three and thirteen meters.
  • Only for divers with plenty experience.
  • Strong currents, you need stamina.
  • Many large nurse sharks.

As with the other popular sites around Frigate Island, Shark Canyon is subject to intense currents and is suitable for experienced divers only.

The reef top is very shallow, beginning just three meters beneath the surface, while maximum depth is a still easy thirteen meters.

The dive begins along the canyon’s outer walls, where reef sharks put on an incredible show, hunting with barracudas from massive swathes of silver sided fish.

Inside the shelter of the canyon, nurse sharks sleep, and on occasion, so do turtles.

Watch for schooling chub and creole wrasse, big queen angelfish, bright yellow butterflyfish, blue tangs, and huge Moorish idols.

Keep an eye out for conch and lobster as well.

Frigate Island is a short boat ride from Carriacou, which is pristine, offering year-round diving and excellent beaches.

There are a few nice resorts and other accommodations available, and the area is home to well equipped dive operators that do all they can to ensure you have a fantastic stay.

If you hope to dive Frigate Island and other fantastic sites in the Grenadines, be sure to work on your physical fitness level beforehand.
This will enhance your enjoyment of the many beautiful, but challenging dive sites.